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BSU CityLab provides graduate level courses for in-service high school and middle school teachers. These three-credit courses are designed to provide content knowledge in biotechnology and biomedicine as well as training with the hands-on, inquiry-based CityLab curriculum modules. Some are summer offerings, while other courses are taught during the school year as part of the Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at Bridgewater State University. For several years, tuition costs for the courses have been defrayed by the NIH-SEPA grant funds. Teachers who successfully complete the coursework become part of BSU CityLab's collaborative network of educators. Descriptions of the courses offered in past years are provided via links located further down this page. Please check this site periodically for future course offerings. For further information, please contact BSU CityLab: citylab@bridgew.edu or 508-531-2635.
Course Descriptions
Quotes from teachers
In June of 2006 and 2007, middle and high school life science teachers attended the week-long BIOE 513-GR1, entitled DNA, Protein and Cell Biology in the Whale of a Mystery. Members of BSU CityLab’s core faculty taught the participants how to enhance teaching and learning in their classrooms by implementing the Whale of a Mystery module. The module takes an interdisciplinary approach that includes sciences, mathematics and the language arts.
Microbiology in the High School Classroom (BIOE 514-001) was successfully completed by high school teachers during the fall semester of 2007. The course provided content and introductory laboratory methodology for teachers hoping to delve deeper into this topic with their students. Many of the principles of microbiology can be applied in the classroom to illustrate concepts about the biosphere (including those that meet the Massachusetts state standards) and to excite student learning in biology.
During the Fall of 2006, high school teachers attended BIOE 514-GR1, a course that focused on biomedical sciences and social issues.
Funding for BSU CityLab is provided, in large part, by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
CityLab at Bridgewater State University is affiliated with the CityLab Program at the Boston University School of Medicine.