Classroom teachers who have been trained by BSU CityLab faculty (through professional development workshops and graduate-level courses) are encouraged to borrow the neccessary equipment and supplies for teaching the curriculum modules at their schools. This is made possible with funds provided by an NIH-SEPA grant and Bridgewater State University’s Center for the Advancement of Science Exploration (CASE).
Lending Laboratories make it possible for BSU CityLab's hands-on, inquiry-based activities to reach more middle and high school Science classes, including those unable to visit this state-of-the-art laboratory on the BSU campus. Each of the modules currently offered in-house is also available to be borrowed by BSU CityLab-trained in-service teachers.
In addition, a module based on the Whale of a Mystery summer program for middle school students has been prepared as a lending lab for trained clasroom teachers.
The purpose of BSU CityLab's Lending Laboratories is to provide biotechnology learning activities for grades 7 through 12 which supplement and complement classroom curricula. It is hoped that easier access to the advanced equipment and introductory lessons related to molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology is of benefit to both students and teachers. The curriculum modules offer components that align directly with the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks and with national Science standards. A common feature of every module is the use of adjustable micropipettes, and most of the modules make use of gel electrophoresis equipment to separate molecules of different sizes and electrical charges. Pre-lab and post-visit materials are provided, as well as teacher background materials, student worksheets, and detailed lab preparation instructions. Teachers and students participating from their schools can connect on-line to the fictional laboratory settings, the Bridgewater Animal Forensic Laboratory (BAFL) and the Forensics Institute of Bridgewater (FIB), which provide the scenarios for several of the modules. More importantly, classroom teachers can contact BSC CityLab staff whenever assistance is needed.
How to Register to Borrow Lending Laboratories
Links to the Fictional Subsidiaries, BAFL and FIB
This page was updated on June 16, 2008.