
Book Sites

Your Book's Website (Clean Code and its Successor)
BDD in action (another of your books for the class)

Test Driven Development with python (a really nice book on the subject - read it for free from the publisher - please consider buying it for your collection) - uses the older pyunit which is a port of the old Java Junit

Python testing with pytest A newer book on the same topic as the above with a new library

GitHub client
Git Client for Windows
Git Client for Mac

Collaboration Tools

Keeping up with your 'lifetime learning'

podcasts to make your commute or dog walking more productive:

Coder Radio - two perspectives on the independent contractor approach to making a software living

Talk python to me Widely considered the "best python podcast"

Python Bytes Short weekly news podcast for the python ecosystem

Programming Throwdown This one shows up on lots of lists of must listen programming podcasts

Software engineering Radio Run by IEEE one of the two big computer science professional organizations


From time to time I'll put my lecture notes up here - or yours. They are no substitute for you taking good notes, but if they help you are welcome to them.

The intro lecture

Clean Code - and Clean names

intro to Version control and Test Driven Development 

So you wanna be a software dev - what kind?

Clean Functions

keep the job once you have it.

Automated Testing Part II

A discussion of clean comments.

more on automated testing

The notes on Clean Code for Object Oriented

Intelectual Property

A discussion of code formatting.

Kudzu and Error handling

intro to BDD

ONe last set on BDD Gherkin/cucumber etc

Processes and ethics stuff

handling complexity in large software projects

Student Presentations:

Tim's into to git

Joe's presentation on Collaboration tools

Prince's notes on debugging with pycharm/Jetbrain's IDEs

Clifton's Presentation on IoT

Curtis' presentation on Programming languages

Michael's Presentation on Licensing and Copyright

Jonathon's Presentation on Debuggers

Minji on Blockchain

Son-Rossy on Version control Standards and best practices

Slav on Continuous Integration and Deliver

CJ's presentation on licensing

Joe's presentation on Disruptive technology.


Michael on where software gets deployed these days.

Roman on software profiling

Nick W on Command Line tools