
Tweezing DNA with Lasers: Using Physics to Better Understand Biological Systems
Biotech Futures, Mass-Bio Ed, Bridgewater, MA ( May 22, 2019)
Welcome Keynote Talk
DNA-Drug Interactions: A view with Optical Tweezers
61st Annual South-East Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair, Bridgewater, MA ( March 16, 2019)
Keynote Talk
Threading Though the DNA: Probing with Optical Tweezers
Physics Seminar Series, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (May 24, 2018)
Invited Talk
Threading Through the Basis of Life
Physics Seminar Series, Tufts University, MA (October 4, 2017)
Invited Talk
Collaborating with Undergraduate Researchers to Advance your Scholarship
Elaborating on Collaborating; A Workshop on Collaborative Scholarativities, CARS, Bridgewater (December 7, 2016)
Invited Talk
DNA Threading of Nanoscale Ruthenium Dumb-bells Probed with Optical Tweezers
7th World Gene Convention, Shanghai, China (November 3-5, 2016)
Invited Talk
Stretching the Basis of Life (Drug-DNA Interactions: A View with Optical Tweezers)
Post Graduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka (June 2, 2016)
Invited Talk
DNA-Drug Interactions: A view with Optical Tweezers
Physics Seminar Series, Society of Physics Students, Bridgewater State University, MA (April 8, 2016)
Invited Talk
Determining the DNA Binding Properties of Nanoscale Ruthenium Dumbbells using Optical Tweezers
5th International Conference on Nanotek & Expo, San Antonio, TX (November 16-18, 2015)
Invited Talk
Tweezing the Basis of Life (DNA-Drug Interactions: A view with Optical Tweezers)
Physics Seminar Series, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (August 21, 2015)
Invited Talk
A General Mechanism for Competitor-Induced Dissociation of Molecular Complexes
Graduate Journal Club, Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (May 21, 2015)
Invited Talk
Rapid Fooling around in the Presence of Competitors Favors Breakups
CARS May Celebration XIX, Bridgewater State University, MA (May 16, 2015)
Drug-DNA Interactions: A View with Optical Tweezers
Physics Colloquium, Amherst College, MA (April 07, 2015)
Invited Talk
Threading Moieties Play a Significant Role in Determining the DNA Binding Properties of Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes
APS March Meeting, San Antonio TX (March 2-6, 2015)
Stretching the Basis of Life: Drug-DNA Interactions a View with Optical Tweezers
Center for Advancement of Research and Scholarship, Bridgewater State University, MA (September 19, 2014)
Invited Talk
Presentations Prior to BSU