Introductory talk by CECOCAFEN, the Organization
of Northern Coffee Cooperatives, followed by travel to the
coffee-growing community of La Corona, a farm tour, and introduction to
host families


We awoke this morning to
see just what a beautiful place our hotel was, overlooking the city of
Matagalpa. The views from our room (above) included both pleasing
vistas and reminders that not all were so privileged.
We all understood the deep irony of our plush accomodations, given our
goal of understanding the reality of poverty among coffee farmers. We
also knew that we were about to embark on two days of life without our
usual creature comforts, and knowing that we would be coming back to
this hotel did help to put the group at ease.
In reality, as readers will soon see, the hardships of the next two
days were far smaller than the rewards of getting to know the people
and the land of "the campo."

offices also afford a nice view of the city of Matagalpa,
which our students enjoyed. Inside the office, we enjoyed a very
informative talk by Eddy, a top financial officer of the cooperative.
Eddy has taught in Brazil, and speaks enough Portuguese to recognize
that Brooks (the student shown talking to Eddy) and I both speak
Portuguese better than we speak Spanish!