On a generalized interface model of solid combustion, with K. Chen, J. Yu, and Y. Yang, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 117 (1), pp. 31--45 (2019)
Asymptotic and numerical analysis of dynamics in a generalized free-interfacial combustion model with K. Chen and J. Yu, in Finite Difference Methods: Theory and Applications, I. Dimov, I. Farago, and L. Vulkov (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11386, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11539-5_76 (2019)
Strengthening information literacy in a writing designated course in the mathematics major, with Sheau-Hwang Chang and Marcia Dinneen, College & Undergraduate Libraries, 23 (1), pp. 56--78 (2016)
Improving Proof-Writing Skills Through Weekly Student Presentations, "Beyond Lecture: Resources and Pedagogical Techniques for Enhancing the Teaching of Proof-Writing Across the Curriculum,'' Rachel Schwell, Aliza Steurer, and Jennifer F. Vasquez (Editors), Notes, 85, MAA Press, Washington, DC, pp. 83--90 (2016)
Review: Advanced Mathematics for Applications by Andrea Prosperetti, SIAM Review, 55 (2), pp. 403--405 (2013)
Comparison Study of Dynamics in One-Sided and Two-Sided Solid-Combustion Models, with Y. Yang and J. Yu, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70 (8), pp. 3086--3104 (2010)
Frontal Reaction in a Layered Polymerizing Medium, with D. Golovaty and J. T. Joyner, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70 (8), pp. 3022--3038 (2010)
Complex Dynamic Behavior During Transition in a Solid Combustion Model, with J. Yu and C. M. Danforth, Complexity, 14 (6), pp. 9--14 (2009)
Snell's Law of Refraction Observed in Thermal Frontal Polymerization, with J. A. Pojman, V. Viner, B. Binici, S. Lavergne, M. Winsper, and D. Golovaty, Chaos, 17, p. 033125 (2007)
The Enhancement of Weakly Exothermic Polymerization Fronts with D.M.G. Comissiong and V. A. Volpert, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 57 (4), pp. 423--435 (2007)
On a Completely Residual-Based Method for Computer Code Verification with L. Brubaker and J. Zhu, Journal of Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computing, 14 (4), pp. 337--344 (2006)
Frontal Polymerization in the Presence of an Inert Material with D.M.G. Comissiong and V. A. Volpert, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 54 (4), pp. 389--402 (2006)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Frontal Polymerization with Autoacceleration with D.M.G. Comissiong and V. A. Volpert, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 53, pp. 59-78 (2005)
Weakly Nonlinear and Numerical Analyses of Dynamics in a Solid Combustion Model with J. Yu, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 65 (5), pp. 1708-1725 (2005)
Review: Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Weber and Arfken, SIAM Review, 47 (3), pp. 606-608 (2005)
A Numerical Study of One-Step Models of Polymerization: Frontal vs. Bulk Mode With Stephen A. Cardarelli, Dmitry Golovaty, Vitaliy T. Gyrya, and Jianping Zhu, Physica D, 206 (3-4), pp. 145-165 (2005)
Featured Review: Selected Books on Advanced Engineering Mathematics, SIAM Review, 46 (3), pp. 549-561 (2004)
Bifurcation Analysis of Polymerization Fronts with D. M. G. Comissiong and V. A. Volpert, in Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems, ACS Symposium Series No. 869, J. A. Pojman, Q. Tran-Cong-Miyata, Eds., American Chemical Society, Oxford University Press, pp. 147-159 (2004)
Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Frontal Polymerization, with V. A. Volpert, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 110 (4), pp. 351-375 (2003)
Weakly Nonlinear Dynamics of Interface Propagation, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 108 (4), pp. 323-350 (2002)
The Onset of Linear Instability in a Solid Combustion Model, with J. Yu, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 107 (1), pp. 81-101 (2001)
On Instability of a Bend Fréedericksz Configuration in Nematic Liquid Crystals, with D. Golovaty, S. I. Hariharan, and E. C. Gartland, Jr., Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 255 (2), pp. 391-403 (2001)
Thermo-kinetically Controlled Pattern Selection, with M. Frankel and V. Roytburd, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2 (3), pp. 313-330 (2000)