1. Any examples of work you have done using photographic images in printmaking. If you have had no previous experience or skills in this area, that is fine.  The portfolio review is only to assess your level of content experience at the beginning of the program.


2. IMAGE SOURCE MATERIAL: Since the project that you will be working on will be a portfolio of prints that incorporate photographic images, you will need to bring with you to the first class some photographic images related by a theme. Choose a theme from the following list:


            The human form

            The irrational world

            The urban environment

            Time and motion

            The Holocaust

            Images of war (after 1830)

            Feminism in the 20th century

            Images of a non-western culture

            The scientific world

            Race relations

            Humans and technology


The list provides general categories from which to choose.  As you gather images based on the theme you selected, think about how you might more narrowly focus your topic within the theme category, either visually or conceptually.  At the first class meeting, you will be asked to identify your theme.   Caution:  Please do not select to use images of your friends or family members since the images you do use will be artfully distorted and manipulated.  It has been our experience that creative freedom becomes greatly inhibited when working with pictures of ones close to us.   


These photographic images should be of the best quality possible.  Since we will be printing in only one color ink, primarily black, the images should have strong light and dark contrasts.  An image that depends on subtle contrasts of gray would not be a good choice.  (The better your original image, the better your final product.)  The images may consist of:

1.  Original photographs (in focus)

2.  High quality reproductions from books and magazines

            4.  Files of stock images/photographs

5.  You many want to bring a digital camera, Polaroid camera, or a regular camera and use a local 1 hour developing service.

6.  High quality images off the web.



SUPPLIES:  You should bring with you a small toolbox with miscellaneous art tools that might be useful during the studio sessions.  Items should include scissors, utility knife or xacto knife, pencils, pens, brushes, ruler, tapes, adhesives, black markers and pens and crayons, etc. Also bring an apron, smock, or old shirt for work in the print studio.  Since we will be using oil based inks, latex or rubber gloves are useful when cleaning up brayers and ink slabs.  (We will be using non-toxic clean-up products.) 


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