



Nova Development Art Explosion

Resources and Research on Assessment

ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation

National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Teaching (CRESST)

Buros Institute of Mental Measurements

Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) Projects

Education Statistics Services Institute (ESSI) Study on the Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in Assessments (no web site at this time)




Assessment in Massachusetts


Massachusetts Department of Education

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks

Massachusetts Insight Education

MCAS Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System

MCAS 1999 Results

SCAM....Student Coalition for Alternatives to the MCAS

Helpass.....Questions that may help guide the assessment process, Shrewsbury Public Schools




Issues/Topics in Assessment

Forum on Alternate Assessment and "Gray Area" Assessment

Developmental and Behavioral Screening

National Center for Fair & Open Testing (Fair Test)

 LD In Depth: Assessment

Connecting Performance Assessment to Instruction: A Comparison of Behavioral Assessment, Mastery Learning, Curriculum-Based Measurement, and Performance Assessment

High Stakes Assessment: A Research Agenda for English Language Learners

Getting Results: A Fresh Look at School Accountability

eScore Assessments (Skill assessment questionnaires and skill tests)

Multifactored Evaluations and Other Assessments

Assessment of Young Children

Placement, Assessment, and Grading

Appropriate Use of Tests

Nova Development Art Explosion


Nova Development Art Explosion


Assessment Instruments


American Guidance Services :KeyMath-Revised/NU, Kaufman/KTEA, PIAT, Woodcock Reading Mastery, Vineland, Behavior Assessment System for Children/BASC

CTB/McGraw-Hill :Assessment Accommodations Checklist

Curruculum Associates :Brigance

Pro-Ed :Test of Word Finding, Burks Behavior Rating Scales, Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and Psychoeducational Profile-Revised

The Psychological Corporation : Wechsler Tests (WISC-3, WPPSI, WAIS, WAIT-2, WMS-III)

Riverside Publishing :Woodcock-Johnson III, Cognitive Assessment System/CAS, WRAT, Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey, Stanford-Binet, Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test/UNIT, The Rorschach, Bender Visual Motor, VMI, Battelle




Nova Development Art Explosion