GE 100

Physical Geography

Last updated: 5 May 2005)

Spring 2005

   This web page is a supplement for students enrolled in the GE 100 Physical Geography, taught at Bridgewater State College. Students will find the course syllabus, lecture notes and exam review questions related to this section of the course. The menu below provides the links as clickable text.  Please click on the blue or purple text to start your journey. Links to specific lecture notes and exam review questions will be added as the course progresses.

Special Announcements: 


- The Final Exam Review is now available...this will be helpful when studying for your Exam.

- Your final Lab Quiz will be next week; this will cover lab #s 3 through 6.

- We will have a Final Exam review session in Lecture next Thursday, May 5th.


Useful Animations

1)          Tsunami animation:

2)         El Nino animation:

3)        Earth Sun - Seasons:


What’s on the Menu?
(Click on blue or purple text for more information)
Click back button on your web browser (Explorer or Netscape) if you want to see a previous page.


A description of the course requirements


An outline of the course materials and notes

Class Outline

Example questions for Examinations (updated one week prior to exam date)

Review Questions

An outline of the laboratory assignments


Course announcements that you should check at least once a week


Term paper topic availability and helpful hints (inform instructor of your choice)


Job opportunities are periodically added to this link


Furthering your education and career paths

Association of American Geographers

Climate change for the USA

Climate Predictions

BSC Calendars (final exam schedule, holidays, events, etc...)

BSC Calendar

Weather and Climate in the News

This web page was conceived by: Dr. Robert A. Hellstrom, Instructor for GE 100, at Bridgewater State College, Department of Earth Sciences & Geography