Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology


image of Dr. Wasarhaley

I joined the Department of Psychology faculty at Bridgewater State University in the Fall of 2014. I completed my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology with a research focus on Social Psychology and Law at the University of Kentucky in 2014, and my B.A. in Psychology from Hamilton College in 2004.

My research investigates the effect of victim stereotypes, crime schemas, and juror attitudes on decision-making. I am particularly interested in perceptions of crimes involving violence against women and victimization of people from marginalized groups.

I am currently the coordinator of the Adrian Tinsley Program, Bridgewater State University's summer grant program for undergraduate research and creative scholarship.


News & Highlights

  • 5/2020 - Dr. Wasarhaley was awarded the Class of 1950 Distinguished Faculty Research Award by Bridgewater State University.

  • 3/2020 - Dr. Wasarhaley received the Early Career Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award from the American Psychology-Law Society. Read more.

  • 5/2019 - Lab and Honors student Sam Kameese presented a poster at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Washington DC! Read more.

  • 12/2018 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students presented a poster on their lab project and talks on their Honors theses at BSU's annual Mid-Year Symposium! Read more.

  • 3/2018 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students presented a research poster during the Social Psychology and Law Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual convention! Read more.

  • 5/2017 - The Social Psych and Law Lab presented research posters at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Boston, MA! Read more.

  • 5/2017 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students presented research posters on their lab and Honors projects at BSU's annual Student Arts and Research Symposium! Read more.

  • 1/2017 - Hear more about Dominic's and Becky's experiences at Harvard's National Collegiate Research Conference! Watch the video.

  • 12/2016 - Honors students Dominic Locantore and Becky Vilk were selected to present their research at the 2017 National Collegiate Research Conference at Harvard University! Read more.

  • 7/2016 - The Social Psych and Law Lab presented research posters at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research conference in Portsmouth, NH! Read more.

  • 5/2016 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students presented research posters at BSU's annual Student Arts and Research Symposium! Read more.

  • 1/2016 - Honors student Kristin Purnell and research lab student Dominic Locantore presented research posters during the Social Psychology and Law Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual convention in sunny San Diego, CA! Read more.

  • 12/2015 - Three of Dr. Wasarhaley's research lab students presented current research projects at the BSU Mid-Year Symposium! Read more.

  • 8/2015 - Dr. Wasarhaley is running the 7-mile Falmouth Road Race on August 16th to raise money for the BSU Student Emergency Fund. Information on the Student Emergency Fund and a link to make a donation can be found at


Website created and maintained by Nesa E. Wasarhaley

Bridgewater State University