Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology


Our Purpose

The Social Psychology and Law Lab endeavors to understand basic social-cognitive processes and their application to a legal context. More specifically, we use an experimental approach to examine the impact of victim stereotypes, crime schemas, and juror attitudes on decision-making, principally as these phenomena relate to the victimization of people from marginalized groups. Our work is grounded in theories from social psychology, cognitive psychology, and jury decision-making research. We are currently pursuing questions regarding intimate partner violence, stalking, and human trafficking.

Current Lab Members

Kristina Lambert

Alex Ray

Cassandra Santos

Former Lab Members

Harris Bajwa (2019-2020), Madeline Butters (2018-2019; GRA 2021-2022), Hailey Calderone (2016), Elizabeth Cook (2017-2018), Jessica Darcy (2015), Shaelyn Donovan (2022), Hannah Frey (2018-2019), Emily Goodwin (2018-2019), Jaycie Jordan (2019), Samantha Kameese (2016-2019; GRA 2019-2020), Amanda Langley (2015-2016), Abbie Levinson (2016), Dominic Locantore (2015-2017), Renia Lorjuste (2019-2021), Sarah Nadeau (2019-2020), Kristin Purnell (2016), Jarad Rowse (2015), Seth Schwartz (2015), Becky Vilk (2016-2017), Kasandra Wilcox (2024), Abbi Wirta (2016)


Lab Updates/Highlights

  • 5/2019 - Shortly after graduating from BSU, Sam Kameese presented her Honors thesis research at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Washington DC!

    Sam at APS

  • 12/2018 - New Social Psych and Law Lab students (Madeline & Emily) presented their first research poster at BSU's Mid-Year Symposium

    Madeline and Emily at BSU MYS

  • 3/2018 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students (Sam & Elizabeth) presented a research poster during the Social Psychology and Law Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual convention in Atlanta, GA!

    Sam and Elizabeth at SPSP

  • 5/2017 - The Social Psych and Law Lab's current students (Sam & Elizabeth) and recent alumni (Becky, Dominic, & Kristin) presented posters at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention in Boston, MA!

    Elizabeth, Becky, and Sam at APS   Domimic at APS   Kristin and Dr. W. at APS

  • 5/2017 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students (Sam, Elizabeth, Becky, and Dominic) presented their current research projects at BSU's Student Arts and Reseach Symposium!

    Sam and Elizabeth at StARS   Becky at StARS

    Dominic at StARS

  • 7/2016 - The Social Psych and Law Lab attended and presented 2 research posters at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference in Portsmouth, NH!

    SPL Lab at IFVCVRC

  • 5/2016 - The Social Psych and Law Lab students presented their current research projects at BSU's Student Arts and Reseach Symposium!

    Abbi and Dom at StARS   Kristin and Dr. W. at StARS

    Abbie, Hailey, and Amanda at StARS

  • 1/2016 - Honors student Kristin Purnell and research lab student Dominic Locantore presented research posters during the Social Psychology and Law Preconference at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's annual convention in sunny San Diego, CA!

    Kristin at SPSP   Dominic at SPSP

  • 12/2015 - Dr. Wasarhaley's research lab students attended and presented their current research projects at BSU's Mid-Year Symposium!

    Lab students at BSU MYS

Website created and maintained by Nesa E. Wasarhaley

Bridgewater State University