Rust And Go Final Project

Due: Sunday Dec  16th at 11:59pm

Summary: You have had a chance to play with both Rust and Go. Now it is time to do something interesting in one of these languages. Pick one of the projects below and implement it in your choice of Rust or Go.

The Projects:

Project A:  game

Project B: IoT/embedded

Project C: GUI and scraping (undergrad only)

Project D: Big Brother here art thou (I recommend undergrads leave this one alone but you can do it if you want to)


in all cases, feel free to use cross-platform libraries subject to the following restrictions:

  1. what ever package you use has to work with go get, or with crate requirements. Don't make me do something really odd to run your project.
  2. I have linux machines to run on, make sure that your stuff will compile on linux - so windows only libraries are out (in most cases that isn't an issue)

Remember that if you take code from github/stackoverflow/the rest of the web:

  1. this code can be no more than 20% of your project
  2. you need to acknowledge where you got it in the comments in your code.

Lets freeze the rust/go versions to the current:

I'll use these compilers and tool chains to run/build your code, so even if there is another release before the due date (I'm looking at you rust 1.32 with a Dec 6th expected release date) lets not mess things up mid-project by updating.

Tests and Documentation:

A word on Grading:

The tests, documentation and following directions for submission will together be 35-40% of the grade for this project. Getting the project itself working right is important, but so is making the development process sustainable so you don't want to skimp on those things.


Write a readme.txt in your project folder that explains:

zip up your go project with source files and at least two sample files. and submit via blackboard