Final Project: A GUI based system
(Note grad students will receive no credit for
this project since it is very close to your projects 1 and 3)
Summary: You scrape some data off of the web and then display it
locally in a Graphical User Interface.
Note: Be sure that your cross platform GUI library really
is. I'll be grading on a linux machine, so don't choose a windows only or
mac only GUI library.
Unpacking some details:
- Go to stack overflow jobs and get all the jobs within 100 miles of
Bridgewater. I recommend that you use their RSS link for the search
- retrieve and parse the jobs data
- display that data in a GUI window
- the job title should be in a scrollable table widget or something
- when the user selects an item from the table
- display (in other widget fields)
- the location of the job
- the company
- the job posting date
- (in a larger multi line scrolling text field) the detailed
description of the job
- let the user filter
- many of the jobs (as of a month ago all but one of them) have
keywords associated with them
- allow the user to filter by two keywords
- allow positive and negative filters
- So I might search for python and linux and the list box should only
show jobs that have both keywords
- or I might search for linux and not java and the list box should
show only jobs with linux but that don't have the java keyword.
in your readme be sure to tell me how to tell if the keyword is positive
or negative (do I use '-' to make it negative? check a checkbox?)