12/7/2004: The last Lab is now available.
11/30/2004: The next Lab is now available. A short but hopefully intellectually challenging access lab.
11/4/2004: I've decided not to give another lab on excel just yet. We have an exam in about a week and a half, and I will include some excel there, and hopefully some access. I'll hold off on more excel out of class for now.
11/3/2004: Well something unexpected happened last night. Rather than have one or two states that everybody says are too close to call, each network has their own set of states that they believe are two close to call. So if there is not concensus by 5pm today, I'll break you all down by last name specifically:
10/28/2004: The latest lab is now available for download.
10/25/2004: The Alternate assignment from last Friday is now available for your perusal. It is in MS doc format.
10/20/2004: recall that the class on Friday will not meet due to the instructor being at a conference. An alternate assinment is on the Blackboard system under assignments. (it will appear at 4pm today and be available until 9pm Sunday - the last possible due date.)
09/29/2004: For classe today we will use this sample csv file
09/27/2004: For class, if we have time, we will use A sample comma seperated list containing the sales figures for music sales in the UK.
09/22/2004: For class please open your web browser to the altavista video search.
09/20/2004:I've just been told that this is a census week. Therefore I'll take attendance on Friday. If you will be unable to be in class on Friday and would like to be counted as still in class, please send me an email by the end of the week.
09/17/2004: Please remember to log out of your computer when you leave (or let your instructor know that there is a problem with the computer)
09/17/2004: Please remember that if you send me email Especially your homework you must do so from your *own* bsc account. Since the webmail works pretty well, you can send the email from anywhere that you are working and have 'net access.
09/7/2004: Welcome to cs105Homework 1 is now available. (it is due Friday September 17th)
Lab5 (the second Access Lab) is now available. The due date is Dec 15th 2004
Lab4 (Access) is now available. Due date is Dec 7th 2004.
Lab3 (first Excel document) is now available. Due date is Nov 5th 2004.
Lab 2 (PowerPoint presentation) Is now available. Due date varies according to presentation date; see lab.
Lab 1 is now available.It is due Friday September 24th.
You will probably find the apa word template from
the University of Miami helpful.