CS105 Lab 1: MS Word Research paper
You are to write a short research paper using the APA style. Your paper
must be on some topic related to computers, hardware or software, and
- You need to choose a topic that has a point that can be made.
Follow the following guide for a research paper
- Introduce the topic
- Discuss the relevent literature, showing both sides of the
- conclude paper with a conclusion that one side or the other
appears to be correct, referring to your earlier paragraphs for support.
- Your paper must be at least 500 words long (including
bibliographical material and the abstract)
- You must directly cite at least 4 sources (sources that your
paper either directly quotes or which form the basis of your claims in
a paragraph.)
- Your document needs to contain at least one explanitary footnote.
Possible topics:
- Off shoring of IT: good or bad for an American company in the
long run.
- The use or Microsoft, or Linux in a new corperate environement,
which would you reccomend for stability, reliablity, and total cost of
- Firefox (and others) vs. Microsoft Internet Explorer: Some
pundants think that the MS security problems are giving an edge to
other browsers again, read, report and answer, do you?
- Digital downloads: What is a fair and effective way of
distributing software/music etc over the internet while allowing
producers of such content to make a living off of their intellectual
- Your grandmother/other older relative wants to buy a new
computer. She needs to be able send and receive email, play the movie
files of you and your siblings exploits that your parents will insist
on sending her, and surf the web for information on her hobby of
choice. She needs her computer to be easy to use, not crash and not
have to be updated. You can assume that some computer-savvy friend can
help setup for her, but will not be available to do updates. Reccomend
a hardware and software system for her citing reviews and
recommendations to back up your assertions.
- Oracle Software wants to buy Peoplesoft, (both are makers of high
end business software that runs of server class machines) Is this a
good or bad thing (for oracle? for the market?)
- Some other computer oriented topic which has a definate question
to be answered, run it by your instructor first.
Starting points:
There are lots of places on the web to try to look for information
about a topic; Several are suggested below. These are just possible
jumping off points. You can use any four citable sources.