S. Frittelli and T. P. Kling "Accuracy of the thin-lens approximation in strong lensing by smoothly truncated dark matter haloes." MNRAS, 415, 3599-3608, 2011.
T. P. Kling and L. Bianchini, "Continuous image distortion by astrophysical thick lenses." Gen. Rel. Grav, 43, 2575-2603, 2011.
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T. P. Kling, I. Dell’Antonio, D. Wittman, and A. T. Tyson. “Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145.” ApJ, 624, 2, 2005.
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"Continuous image distortion in weak gravitational lensing." April Meeting of the APS, Washington, D.C., February 2010.
"Poisson Equation for Weak Gravitational Lensing." April Meeting of the APS, St. Louis, MO, April 2008.
“Gravitational lensing by 3-d matter distributions.” April Meeting of the APS, Dallas, TX, April 2006.
Workshop Moderator, Gravitational Lensing in the Kerr Spacetime Geometry, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, July 2005.
“The Bianchi Identity and Weak Gravitational Lensing.” Eighth Eastern Gravity Meeting, Wake Forest University, March 2005.
“WebAssign online homework system: Experiences and How-to.” Two-hour workshop, 1st Mass. Colleges Online Conference on E-Learning, June 2004.
“Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145.” April Meeting of the American Physical Society, May 2004.
“Accuracy of the Thin Lens and Iterative Approaches to Lensing.” 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, July 2000.
“Comparison of Lensing Approaches.” Fourth Eastern Gravity Meeting, Duquesne University, April 2000.
“A new approach to gravitational lensing equations.” Third Eastern Gravity Meeting, Cornell University, March 1999.
"On process, work, and the intellectual activity.” Mid-South Philosophy Conference, University of Memphis, February 1995.