Physics Department
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA 20325
Dana Mohler Faria Science Center 218
508 531 2895 (office)
508 531 1785 (fax)
I teach a variety of courses from a writing intensive First Year Seminar on
science fiction to introductory physics to upper level physics courses. Following
this link will lead you to course websites, office
hours, and some explanations about my teaching strategies.
My research is in the application of general relativity to light rays through
gravitational lensing. When a massive object lies between the observer and a
more distant light source, the image of that source is distorted and can appear
multiple times. Following this link will lead you to
more information about my research and opportunities for student collaboration.
This research was recently highlighted by the Journal General Relativity and
Gravitation as an Editor's Choice at the Twitter link below.
TP Kling, E Grotzke, K Roebuck, H Waite, Examining the Kerr Metric through wave fronts of null geodesics, #GenRelativGravit (2019)51:32 #EditorsChoice Living Reviews & GRG (@livrev_lrr) February 21, 2019