National Communication Association

NCA Program

International Film Nights
Each month we sponsor an international film night for viewing at the Moakley Center.


Careers in Communications
Every February we host a seminar on careers in communication.  During the seminar students will be informed on areas of employment that are searching for communications students.


Speakers in Communications
Each semester we host a speaker in a field of communication.  Areas of speaker choose are Public Relations, Event Planning and media.  Speaker’s concentration is decided upon the membership.

Graduate Studies in Communications
Every October we host a seminar on Graduate Program in communications.  During the seminar, promotion of communication gradate school will be discussed and resources will be available to review under the guidance of professors in the department of Communication Studies.

Video Showcase
Each semester we sponsor the Video Showcase in cooperation with the department of Communication Studies, Public Relations Student Association and the Bridgewater Video and Film Association.  The work of students in the Department of Communication Studies program will be shown at this event.  Student’s productions will be competing in five award categories.

National Conference
Sponsored by the National Communication Association
Every November students are invited to attend the national communication conference.  At this time students participate in seminars and have the opportunity to submit papers for awards.

Regional Conference
Sponsored by the Eastern Communication Association
Every April students are invited to attend the regional communication conference.  At this time students participate in seminars and have the opportunity to submit papers for awards.