Laura R. Ramsey, Ph.D.

Joining My Lab

Each semester, I collaborate with fantastic undergraduate students who conduct literature reviews, design studies, collect and analyze data, and disseminate research findings via presentations and publications.  If you would like to join our research group, email me at  Include in your email your year in school, why you are interested in joining, what relevant coursework you have taken, and what plans you have for after graduation (if any).


Requesting a Letter

If you would like to request a letter of recommendation from me, you will need to complete an information form. You may email me with the request, and if I think I can write you a good letter, I'll email you the form. A bare minimum of two weeks advance notice is much appreciated. 


Helpful Links

Are you interested in applying to a Ph.D. program in psychology?  This very comprehensive website has some of the best advice available.


Are you new to using SPSS?  These tutorials are very helpful.


Are you writing an APA style paper?  Here's a sample.