Dev SEminar/Capstone

Grad Software Engineering


More Reading on common themes in the class

Tools for class:

Podcasts - a great way to keep current:


The website for your book, the pragmatic programmer 20th anniversary edition The site includes source code and errata

Lecture Notes:

The introductory Lecture

From time to time I might put the lecture notes from my lectures here - but they are my notes to guide the seminar discussion - they likely won't help you by themselves.

If you have never used git and github with jetbrains tools before have a look at this walkthrough

The Introductory Lecture

The automated Testing Slides

Continuous integration (github actions) 

The SQL and database slides

Naming and code metrics

NoSQL database (brushing up against Mongo)

  • The questions about what sort of developer you will be
  • A comments and prag programmer chap2 part 1
  • Pragmatic programming chap2 part 2 and Clean functions
  • Pragmatic Tools (chap 3)
  • Intellectual Property notes

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