Intro to Computer Science II

Intro to Computer Science II




The Javadocs for the Java 11 (current LTS) version of Java

Java for Python Programmers An older book but still useful at the CS2 level.

A youtube video covering similar material to our second lecture

A Really useful video by one of my old grad school classmates that we will use later in the semester to get javafx working with intellij

lecture notes:

The introductory lecture which includes the images for creating projects and putting them on github

The python to java transition slides

The slides on classes and objects

Inheritance and polymorphism

Abstract classes and interfaces

Event Driven programming using GUIs as the example

More on Uising JavaFX

Exceptions and error handling

Data from APIs and viewing that data with JavaFX

Working on projects in teams - especially Git/Hithub/IntelliJ integration

From time to time I put my lecture notes here  for those who find it helpful These are the lecture notes that I use to push the class discussions forward and are not enough all by themselves. .