

5/3/2005: There was a small error in the code I posted earlier for the merge function. the last for loop should begin for (i=0; i < num_elements; i++) not for (i=0; i <= num_elements; i++) The web page for the lab has been updated.

5/1/2005: The merge method is now included in at the bottom of the lab5 web page along with comments to make is easier to follow.

3/1/2005: The exam will be held on Thursday as planned. A review list is available to list the topics that you are expected to know for the exam. I have office hours tomorrow afternoon at 5pm. Anyone who has studied and found that they don't understand something is encouraged to come and see me at that time.

There is a list of common unix commands that you can download. See the resourses page for more.

The second lab is now available. See the labs page for a link.

The first lab is now available. See the labs page for a link.

Welcome to cs102 for Spring 2005. Announcements will be posted here.
John F. Santore