Resources for Comp151

Development Tools

  • create a jetbrains student account to get the professional jetbrains products for free.
  • Jetbrains Toolbox I recommend you use jetbrains toolbox to manage your IDEs
  • Pycharm IDE : In this class, we will use pycharm  to develop go code and projects
  • Get Git you need git to turn in projects for this class., It is likely preinstalled on linux, and will install with the mac xcode command line tools. You will definitely need to install it yourself on windows though.
  • Get the python programming language compiler, tools etc. (if you are on windows 10/11, you can get it from the windows store)

More General python Resources

Graduate Assistant with Tutoring Hours

The Computer Science Graduate Assistant Shantala Gaitonde will hold tutoring hours, primarily for comp152 and comp250, but also helping comp151 students when she has time with the following schedule. All hours are held in DMF 359

Monday 4-6 pm,

Tuesday 4-6 pm,

Wednesday 10 am-12 pm,

Thursday 10 am-12 pm


From time to time I'll post my lecture slides here. They are really my notes to remind me what we need to talk about, so they are not enough by themselves, but they will hopefully be of use when paired with the notes that you take.