Project 1: A simple project to make sure
everything is working
Due: Sept 24th at 11:59pm
Summary: This project is a simple one (at least the programming
is) to help make sure everyone's tools are working before we move on to
more in depth projects.
In this project, start by making a brand new project in pycharm.
Make sure the project name has your name in with somewhere and
make it clear that this is project 1, for example I might use
jsantoreProject1 as my project name.
write a python program which will do the following
- Store the year you were born in a variable as an integer (whole
number). (if that was long enough ago to make you uncomfortable feel
free to make up a year :-) )
- Store your name in a string variable.
- subtract the variable holding your birth year from 2022 and store the
result in a variable called age
- using an f-string
(not just a series of prints and variables) use the print function to
comment on this telling us your name and that you turned (or will turn)
age years old this year
Make sure to make a git repository for this project and share that
project (as a private project) on github. The
slides on git and github as a reminder.
To submit
the project to me, share it with me on github. My github id is jsantore.
You can see directions for doing this here.