Submitting projects (sharing with me on github by making me a collaborator)

To submit a project to me that you have put on github

  1. First navigate to the repository on github
  2. Next select the Settings tab on your repository

  3. From the settings tab, select "Collaborators" from the left hand side
    the settings tab with the collaborators item selected on the left hand side
  4. Push the <add people> button that you see on the collaborators page
  5. In the resulting dialog type in my id jsantore in the search bar

    the search user dialog with user jsantore typed in
  6. Select the jsantore user and
    the add collaborator dialog with userjsantore selected
  7. then press the "add jsantore to this repository button
  8. You should see something like this, I will get an email and you are all set
    the same page showing awaiting jsantore's response