Intro to Computer Science I

Intro to Computer Science I


Python docs are available on line.

You can grab python from here Be sure to get version 3.7.x not legacy python 2

Get the pycharm editor/IDE from here You can either get the community edition, or join their academic program and get the professional edition.

Use the apply now button on this page to get the professional version of pycharm  for free as a student. (you'll need to use your email address.

Your Book's Website

lecture notes:

From time to time I put my lecture notes here  for those who find it helpful.

The introductory lecture

Beginning Python programming overview

types artimetic and numbers

Intro to objects and graphics

Zelle Graphics part 2, Points, mouse events and text entry objects

basic control structures

Strings, Lists, Random, looping through a list

working with libraries, especially openpyxl and plotly

Animation and non-blocking event handling with the Zelle Library

Functions, parameters and return values

Programming and CS society, bugs, users, ethics and other responsibilities of developers Part 1


Computer Programming in a social context, effects on individuals and societies.