ENVIRONMENT LINKS Jobs in Earth Sciences, Geography, and Environment
ES&G Department

I maintain this page primarily for students in the Department of Earth Sciences and Geography who are seeking employment or internships in the fields of geography, geology, and the environment. If you have jobs, internships, or links to suggest for our students, please send them to me at jhayesboh@bridgew.edu.

Job Sources

The Environmental Careers Organization in Boston provides not only job listings but also advice about environmental careers.

The Department of Geography at the University of South Carolina maintains an extensive but unannotated list of job lists for geography and related professions, including many lists dedicated to GIS employment.

The Eco-Compass at Island Press (an environmentally-oriented publishing house) has created a web page to promote its new book, The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers in the 21st Century. Even if you do not buy the book, the web page may have valuable information for you, including links to environmental job databases.

Internship Sources

The New England Board of Higher Education sponsors an environmental internship program for students in the region. Submit an application by MARCH 12, 1999 (earlier is better), and NEBHE will try to match it with available internships. Stipends are $3,000 for 10-week programs.

Graduate Program

Funded Graduate Research in Geoenvironmental Education
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction (School of Education) and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (School of Science) are jointly seeking new graduate students interested in pursuing research in the area of geoenvironmental education. Successful candidates will receive financial support for their graduate degree work through either department, and will participate as research assistants in developing a regional environmental science institute for middle and high school teachers. The focus of the institute is on the use of local environmental research as an integral part of the school curriculum. Successful candidates should have:

1. A strong interest in obtaining a graduate degree through course work and research in the field of geoenvironmental education;
2. Expertise either in education or in geosciences;
3. A record of past achievement that suggests a high likelihood of successful completion of graduate work.
We are particularly interested in applicants who would like to start the graduate program in Fall 1999 or spring 2000. For further details please send a brief message outlining your background and interests, and including a resume, to either Dan Shepardson, Curriculum and Instruction, dshep@purdue.edu, or Jon Harbor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, jharbor@purdue.edu.

Any questions? Contact me at jhayesboh@bridgew.edu.
James Hayes-Bohanan, Ph.D.
Bridgewater State College
Revised: March 9, 2000.