Resources for
Conservation Education
James Hayes-Bohanan, Ph.D.
State College
Department of Geography and Center for
Revised February 17, 2008
This page is my part of an ongoing project to improve the
efficiency of energy use at Bridgewater State College. The original
purpose of this page was to provide general resources for
communications students who worked on an educational campaign for the
campus. Those resources have been retained on this page, and additional
resources - related to the January 2002 Energy Awareness &
Conservation Week. Those early efforts helped to prepare the campus
for a much more comprehensive approach, embodied in the Center for Sustainability.
If you have questions or
suggestions for this page, please contact me at or
508-531-2118. |
The energy
pledge campaign has helped thousands of people to identify steps
that they can take to reduce their energy consumption, yielding both
environmental and national-security
benefits. I discovered that I am already following a number of the
but I found quite a few new things I can do to help!
Be sure to view the "Green Ribbon Flash" movie to see an enlightening
comparison between the patriotism of the 1940s and today's softer brand.
Bridgewater State College has been faced with increasing energy costs
in recent years - nearly tripling in just a few years. This means that
money that would otherwise be spent on educational initiatives (such as
undergraduate research grants) must now be spent on fuel and
electricity. The Energy
Conservation Committee includes college business managers, facilities
computing staff, and educators. The committee is charged with finding
to reduce spending on energy. This effort is proceeding on a variety of
fronts, including a campus communication program. The communication
will focus first on encouraging energy conservation at the individual
A secondary aspect of the communication program is to encourage people
share suggestions for energy conservation with the committee.
The easiest way to change people's energy consumption patterns is to
make sure that they pay increased fees for increased usage. For a
variety of technical reasons, this is not possible on this campus (or
most others). The energy communication project must therefore be aimed
at promoting a campus
culture that includes conservation of energy and other resources. In
absence of price incentives, another source of motivation is needed. In
experience, people become interested in changing their behavior when
learn about the consequences of choices they make about energy and
resource use.
Most electricity in the Northeast is generated by the burning of
coal. This is a relatively abundant fuel, but its use has a variety of
environmental consequences, including a contribution to global warming,
acid rain, atmospheric haze. The mining of coal may involve significant
land clearing, land alterations, and water pollution at the site of the
Global Energy Transitions
Download the PowerPoint presentation I
used for my campus lecture on January 24, 2002.
The following resources are relevant to the presentation:
- The
Prize , from Forbes, presents political scenarios that
could interrupt the flow of oil by toppling the Saudi Arabian government
- Leading
Fossil Fuel Producers/Reserves is an Excel spreadsheet that I
created - based on figures from Goode's world atlas - to
compare the longevity of coal and oil supplies among the major
producing countries.
- Oil Price History and
Analysis is a special issue of the Energy Economics Newsletter.
- The White House
Energy Page presents the recommendations of Vice President Cheney's
National Energy Policy Development Group, which advocates "Reliable,
affordable, and environmentally sound energy for America's future."
- Three stories from Planet Ark are relevant:
subsidies for polluting fuels ,
fuel cell gains on the stock market ,
fuel cell losses on the stock market , and
fuel cell technology .
- Energy:
The Gathering Storm is an analysis of the relationship
between energy prices and the current geopolitical climate, by Philip
Verleger, who has written extensively on the relationships between
failed energy policy and failed policies on terrorism.
Discuss energy and the future at The Oil Drum. Specifically, look at
the sigmoidal curve in oil production, just in the past few years:
At this point, "proved" and "probable" reserves are almost identical.
General Resources
The Energy Department's home page is the place to find
official U.S. policy on energy. Also see the Department's Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy site for alternatives.
For a different approach, see the Center for the New American Dream (CNAD), whose motto
is "More fun; less stuff."
U.S. EPA is on board -- at least in part -- on February 15, 2008 I
attended a session of the AAAS Annual Meeting in which Dr. George Gray
discussed the EPA research priorities related to sustainability.
What Can I Do? page provides people with ideas on what they can do
to conserve not only energy but other kinds of natural resources.
Professor Pamela Hayes-Bohanan provides many more ideas about ways that
individuals can conserve on her Simplify Your Life
"Winning the Oil Endgame offers
a coherent strategy for ending oil dependence, starting with the United
States but applicable worldwide. There are many analyses of the oil
problem. This synthesis is the first roadmap of the oil
solution...." (From the
Executive Summary of the book.)
program of the U.S. EPA that offers businesses and consumers energy
efficient solutions. This site provides a variety of messages about
energy conservation for different constituencies - including homes,
schools, religious congregations, and small businesses. |
get a lot of information on practical devices for conserving energy and
water, go to the Real Goods
home page. This company specializes in conservation products ranging
from small items such as low-watt compact fluorescent light bulbs and
low-flow water nozzles to complete solutions to take your household
completely off the grid. One possibility: the college could use its
volume buying power to provide energy-saving products to students and
employees at a discount.
Early in 2001, the following statement got a fair amount of media
attention: Interfaith
Call for Energy Conservation and Climate Justice.
Campus and Business Programs

Student Pugwash USA is a
student-led effort to engage science education for the public good. See
what they have to say about energy,
particularly in the United States.
Almost every college campus has some kind of environmental studies
program. In recent years, attention has turned to the environmental
of the campuses themselves. The facilities departments at
Lewis & Clark College and North Carolina State
University are sharing their specific experience.
Finally, the
Alliance for Environmental Innovation works with private companies
to implement innovative environmental strategies; some of their ideas
may be useful to the campus community.
This site is
maintained for the benefit of the Bridgewater State College community
by James Hayes-Bohanan.
Views expressed here are the responsibility of Dr. Hayes-Bohanan.