Writing Tips
Paper Format
James Hayes-Bohanan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Geography

This page is intended to provide students in my class with specific guidance on how to format papers. It assumes a basic familiarity with word processing. Online help regarding the use of MS Word is available from BSC's Information Services, as are additional training resources. Help is also available to BSC students by calling (508) 531-2999.

I have two reasons for requesting that students submit papers in a consistent format. First, it enables me to correct and return papers more efficiently. Second, some of my formatting requirements are standard practice in academia and business.

If you are in a web-based (80/20) section, see special file-naming instructions below.

Special instructions for web-based (80/20) courses only

Students in these classes turn in their writing assignments via the Digital Drop Box.When doing so, please adhere to the following to minimize confusion:

  1. Save your paper (formatted as described above) in Word (*.doc) or Rich Text Format (*.rtf). Microsoft Works does not work :-) If you are using MS Works, use the "Save as..." command and select rtf.
  2. Be sure the file name is in the format of name-chapxx.doc or name-chapxx.rtf  (where "name" is your last name and "xx" is the two-digit chapter number - 01, 03, and so on).
  3. In Blackboard, select "Digital Drop Box" in the "Student Tools" area.
  4. Click the "Send file" button. Pretend the "Add file" button does not exist. It is nothing but trouble!
  5. You will see a screen with three fields. Enter "Chapter x" in the first field (where "x" is the current chapter).
  6. Click the "Browse" button to select the file you saved in Step 2.
  7. The "Comments" field can be left blank, unless you have something specific to communicate about this file.
  8. Be sure to click the "Submit" button when you are ready!
 The Digital Drop Box is not available to day-class students.

Return to my Not-the-13th-Grade page.
Any questions? Contact me at jhayesboh@bridgew.edu.
James Hayes-Bohanan, Ph.D.
Bridgewater State College
Revised: September 16, 2002.