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A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies


Editor-in-Chief:  Aeon J. Skoble

Editorial Board 

Current issue:  Volume 27, available now

Next  issue: Volume 28, available Summer 2005 (click here for special discounts)


Reason Papers is a peer-reviewed, blind-reviewed journal appearing annually.  It features book reviews and review essays along with full-length articles.  Not strictly limited to philosophy, we publish work by economists, legal scholars, political scientists, and others, provided the content is normative in the philosophical sense.  In addition to articles on moral, political, legal, and social/cultural philosophy, we also run essays on aesthetics. 

Volume 27 includes: a major work on libertarianism by Daniel Klein, a provocative essay on assassination by Stephen Kershnar, a discussion of Rawls’ Law of Peoples by Aysel Dogan, essays on ethics by Niclas Berggren and Robert McGee, and part one of a two-part essay on punishment by Walter Block.  Also, Irfan Khawaja reviews books by Christopher Hitchens and Khaled El Fadl, and Mark T. Conard reviews Nietzsche and Music.

Recent contributions of note include:

Tara Smith’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”

Fred Miller’s “Rationality and Freedom in Aristotle and Hayek”

Antony Flew’s “Choice and Rationality”

Chris M. Sciabarra’s “Ayn Rand’s Critique of Ideology”

Christina Hoff Sommers’ “Feminism and Resentment”

Plus:  Tibor Machan and Eric Mack on individual rights, Nicholas Capaldi on Mill and Hayek, Douglas Rasmussen on perfectionism, Loren Lomasky on Nozick, Douglas Den Uyl on benevolence, Irfan Khawaja on Rasmussen and Den Uyl, Martin Golding on neo-Aristotelianism, Lester Hunt on politics, Mark T. Conard on Nietzsche, Aeon J. Skoble on communitarianism and socialism, and Steven Sanders gives a critique of Randy Cohen.

To order the current issue or available back issues, or for submissions guidelines, contact the Editor, c/o Department of Philosophy, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater MA 02325 or click here.  Reason Papers archive is here.

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