Course: AF 385 Managerial Finance                                                                Spring 2003


Professor:  Shannon Donovan, BA, MFS, DBA

104 Harrington, 1-508-531-2684,, website: or from the faculty web pages at the Bridgewater site  Class information will be available on Blackboard (


Office Hours: M: 12pm – 1:30pm, T: 1:00pm- 3:00pm & 8:40pm-9:10 pm, W: 12:00pm- 1:00pm, and by appointment. I also respond quickly to e-mail. 


Course Description:  Provides understanding of the finance function and the responsibilities of the financial manager.  Develops concepts and tools for use in effective financial decision-making and problem solving.  Covers ratio analysis, funds flow, forecasting, current asset management, budgeting, credit services, formation and cost of capital and impact of operating and financial leverage.


Students should have an adequate background in Financial Accounting (AF-241 or equivalent) and spreadsheet fundamentals (CS-105 or equivalent).


Method:  Instructional methods employed may include lecture, cases, skill-building exercises, problem solving, student presentations, spreadsheets and other activities.  These events heighten understanding of the course material.  The student’s preparation before class and serious participation in these activities will contribute to learning in this course.


Each chapter and each class will build upon one another in this course, so students need to be prepared prior to each class.  If you find yourself falling behind, please see me right away.  As you can see from my schedule above, I am available often and in many different formats (class, Blackboard, office, phone and e-mail), so there is no excuse for you not to contact me. If you have a question that is general in nature, one where the entire class might be interested in the answer, I prefer you use Blackboard rather than e-mail me directly.  


Course Objectives/Outcomes




1. To familiarize students with concepts and principles of managerial finance.

Students will pass in-class examinations.

2. To let students demonstrate their ability to use the techniques they have mastered.

Students will hand in or present at least one problem or case in which they will use the techniques examined in the course.

3. Give students the opportunity to learn collectively and to exchange ideas in accounting.

Students will participate both individually and in teams in problem solving and discussion in class to demonstrate their working knowledge of the subject.


Required Reading:. Principles of Managerial Finance - L.J. Gitman, 10th Edition, Addison Wesley.



Other Reading as assigned.





Student Evaluation


1.             Class Participation and homework                                                                                    10%

2.             Problem/ Cases                                                                                                                     15%

3.             Exams (3)                                                                                                                               45%

4.             Comprehensive Final                                                                                                           30%


1.       Class Participation: Attendance, timeliness, preparation of assigned readings, and constructive comments and activity during class sessions are included in Class Participation.  Assigned readings, problems, and cases should be done prior to the class meeting for which it is assigned in the schedule (below) or in class.  Participation in in-class activities is necessary for enhanced learning in the course.  Quality participation is more important than mere attendance. Participation is graded in each class and includes preparation of the material, thoughtful questions, and insights.  The text provides the foundation of knowledge for class activities and discussion. The course assumes that the student has read the text and that the student’s role is active and dynamic. The final grade in this area will reflect the student’s oral contribution to the classroom learning environment. 


Three unexcused absences will be allowed, for every two classes missed after that the grade will be dropped by 1/3, In other words, if you miss five classes and have a B average, then you will receive a B-.  If you miss nine classes and you have a B average, then you will receive a C.    


Participation and attendance is important.  Each chapter builds on the other and there will be information and discussion given in class that will be included in exams and is not in the text.   You will be responsible to get every assignment, so it is advised that you exchange phone numbers or e-mails with class mates if you miss class.


2.       Problem/Case: The presentations or projects will give students the ability to demonstrate their knowledge of the techniques. This project may be a group or an individual effort depending on the size of the class.  More details will be given in class.


3.       Exams : Three exams will be given covering about four chapters at a time. A detailed study guide will be given before the exam to help you prepare.


4.       Comprehensive Exam: This exam will test the student’s comprehension of all the material in the course.  This will be given during the final exam period.




Week of






Ch. 1: The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance

Read Chapter 1

Complete assigned Problems

Ch 1: Prob: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6a, 8, 9, 10



(No Monday Class)

Ch 2: Financial Statements and Analysis

Read Chapter 2

Complete assigned Problems



Cont. Ch. 2

Ch. 3: Cash Flow and Financial Planning

Read Chapter 3 &

Complete assigned Problems



Cont. Ch. 3 


Complete assigned Problems



Exam 1/ Case 1 Due

 Ch. 4: Time Value of Money

Ch. 3 Case – 140-141

Read Chapter 4





Cont. Ch. 4:


Complete assigned Problems




Cont. Ch. 4


Complete assigned Problems



Case 2 Due

Ch. 5: Risk and Return

Ch. 4 Case – p. 209-210

Read Ch. 5 and Complete assigned Problems



Cont.  Ch. 5

Ch. 6: Interest Rates and Bond Valuation


Read Chapter 6

& Complete assigned Problems



Cont. Ch. 6 and

Ch. 7: Stock Valuation

Read Chapter 7&

Complete assigned Problems




Cont. Ch. 7


Exam 2/ Case 3 Due

Complete assigned Problems

Integrative Case 2 – pgs.350-351




Ch. 14: Working Capital and Current Asset Management

Read Ch. 14 and

Complete assigned Problems



(no Monday Class)

Ch. 15: Current Liability Management

Read Chapter 15 &

Complete assigned Problems



Cont.Ch 15:

 and Review

Complete assigned Problems




Final Exam

Final Exam


Problems and cases will be assigned each class.


Schedule and Syllabus is subject to change.