Robert M. Simmons  

from Morning in Middleborough... (Poems 1991-2006)   

        The Sand and Gravel Truck

Tyrannosaurus rex is gone

but not so the sand and gravel truck.

Spared by natural selection,

this steel-plated behemoth

roams historic highways

rattling as its large, leathery tires

bounce over potholes,

screaming as air breaks

try to slow its hulking form

near a bend in the road,

rapping as its monstrous engine

strains to surmount an incline,

snorting noxious black breath

that permeates the atmosphere

casting a heavy pall

over house, town and world

the undisputed victor

in the struggle

for survival.


                    © 2003 by Robert M. Simmons

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Subjects: poetry about, monster trucks, eighteen wheelers, pollution, satire, poetry, poems




The Sand and Gravel Truck