Robert M. Simmons  

New Release

    Lines from

Cocktails at Sunset


As a glorious sunset

painted the view

another topic

made its debut.

A chap with a sloop

expressed his conviction

that global warming

was nothing but fiction,

citing the cycles

known to presage

that our planet was due

for another Ice Age.

I listened with wonder

as he outlined his case

at the expense of the world

and the human race.

When the circle of sailors

nodded assent,

I rolled my eyes

in astonishment.

Not wanting to trigger

a major imbroglio,

I did not inquire

about his portfolio,

instead sipped my martini

finding it curious

that our conversation

today was so serious.


    © 2009 by Robert M. Simmons






Subjects: poems about, yacht clubs, cocktails, sunsets, same-sex marriage, global warming, Islam, illegal immigrants, decline of civilization, satire, poetry, poems





Cocktails at Sunset