Robert M. Simmons  

Author's Note

Dear Reader,

    The ideal for me has always been to live a beautiful life in beautiful surroundings.  This is not easy in an age when culture and environment are being rapidly degraded by unfettered commercial interests.  As individuals, we should all be concerned with making the world a better place for everyone.  The villains are those who profit financially from junk culture and the destruction of nature.  Typically they are able to shield themselves in places like Nantucket, the Hamptons, Jackson Hole and Aspen, protected from the horrors they have visited upon the rest of society.  The fools are those who uncritically embrace popular culture.  Every boom-box purchased supports those who can retreat to places where such monstrosities are not allowed.  There are many ways to address this dilemma.  My chosen tool is the power of thought as expressed by the written word in the form of poetry.  The poems I have written and included in this web site represent my humble contribution towards constructing a better world.

                      Sincerely yours,

                      Robert M. Simmons


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