Special Education Scroll down for the following sites: general interest Special Education, Educational Associations, Government Agencies, state and local school sites in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and California, sites specific to School Administration, Inclusion, Early Childhood Education, Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit (with Hyperactivity) Disorder, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (you may wish to go to E/BD "issues and definitions"), and Eating Disorders.
General |
Special Education Resources on the Internet The Big Page of Special Education Links Case Manager Resource Guide (online directory of healthcare information) Disability Now (comprehensive site for UK resources) Northwest Regional Education Laboratory (comprehensive site, k-12 and special education) Special Needs Education (Canada) Massachusetts Special Olympics Special Needs Opportunity Windows (professional development) Heritage OnLine K-12 Special Education Resources (site not available) An Inclusive Special Education Resource (site not available)
American Psychological Association Council for Exceptional Children National Association for the Education of Young Children National Association of School Psychologists California Association of School Psychologists National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education in Washington (site not available) National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) National Rehabilitation Information Center National School Boards Association Other Disabilities-Related Sites National Clearinghouse for Professions in Special Education (site not available)
Government US Department of Justice's ADA Site Federal Resource Center for Special Education LibertyNet (City of Philadelphia) President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities US Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Accessibilitiy Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities California Department of Mental Health
State and Local School Districts, Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Education Town of Lakeville Town of Freetown MCAS Scores, April 1999
State and Local School Districts, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Education Central Instructional Support Center (Penna.) Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 - Northampton County, Pennsylvania Delaware County Intermediate Unit Rose Tree Media School District KidsPeace The National Center for Kids Overcoming Crisis
State and Local School Districts, California California Department of Education
School Administration Association for California School Administrators LRP's Education Administration Online National Association of Elementary School Principals
Inclusive Education Inclusive Education: Cooperative Teaching Institute for Inclusive Education (site not available) One Size Doesn't Fit All: Full Inclusion Inhibits Academic Progress of Special Education Students The Benefits of an Inclusive Education Special Education Inclusion (white paper from Wisconsin Education Association Council)
Early Childhood Early Childhood Care and Development Institute on Community Integration Projects What's So Special About Special Education
Learning Disabilities Leaning Disabilities and Disorders Learning Disabilities Association of America The Instant Access Treasure Chest Learning Disabilities Resources Learning Handicapped and Correctional Education (site not available)
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Emotional and Behavioral Disorders -What is SED? ODD? Conduct Disorder? Link to discussion and definition. Books as Resources - Book suggestions for parents, teachers, administrators, etc... on a variety of behavior/emotional disorders. Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Definitions, research, treatment, booklets, articles on ODD Resources in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - GWU & GSEHD created this page to provide information on teacher training at GWU. It is also provides support for educators of students with SED and has links for question and answer forums. Anxiety Disorders of America ADAA presents a web page with general information on several anxiety disorders (phobias, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder ), as well as resources for those suffering from an anxiety disorder, and information on how professionals can gain ADAA membership. Behavioral Interventions - This site offers many links that contain important information for anyone seeking information on behavior disorders. It also contains a forum, which can be helpful when you are looking for specific information. It has a link to CEC sites, as well. Mood Disorders (Web Site to other links) NICHCY Forum on Emotional Disturbances (site not available) The Childhood Learning Center (consultation for the design of behavioral strategies to assist children and young adults with behavioral challenges, particularly those in the autistic spectrum) US DOE Office of Special Ed. & Rehabilitative Services Disciplinary Guidelines Eating Disorders American Anorexia/Bulimia Association - Many links are available to help locate information on eating disorders. Center for Eating Disorders, St. Joseph's Hospital - A web site to search for health related information. Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention -This site offers extensive information on eating disorders, resources available to help, prevention advise, and tips for kids. Something Fishy: Eating Disorders - Something Fishy offers information on several types of eating disorders, on line support (with guest speakers in the chat room), resources for help, and an email mailing list. Eating Disorders: National Institute of Mental Health . New York Online Access to Health: Eating Disorders - A web site with extensive research on eating disorders and resources for help. Remuda Ranch (treatment center, Wickenburg, AZ) (note: one needs to go through Wickenburg web site)
Speech and Language Disorders American Speech and Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Speech and Language Impairment Net Connections for Communicative Disorders and Sciences
Mental Retardation and Traumatic Brain Injuries American Association for Mental Retardation (AAMR) American Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) National Down Syndrome Society Brain Injury Association - A site presented by the Brain Injury Association that gives links, resources, tips, etc... Brain Disorders - Wake Forest University offers information on different types of brain injuries: penetrating and closed head. Physician referrals, questions, and a guide for family and friends are also included. Traumatic Brain Injury - Brian injury awareness, support for families, testimonies from survivors. TBI Project - Teacher training information, links and facts about TBI. Autism Autism Society Early Intervention Package Autism Society Educating Children Information Package Society for the Autistically Handicapped (UK) Yale Child Study Center (site not available) National Alliance for Autism Research Pyramid Exchange Consultants (communication system) Self-Injurious Behavior S.M. Edelson, Ph.D.
Multiple Disabilities ADE: Exceptional Student Services (site not available) Cerebral Palsy Info Central (site not available) Related Serious Research Project: Abstract Fragile X Syndrome (site not available)
Asperger's Syndrome Resource for Asperger's Syndrome Asperger's Syndrome: A Closer Look (personal account by a mother of a child w/Asperger's)
Orthopedic and Health Impairments Association to Benefit Children (ABC) (site not available) |
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