Geography 318: Computer Cartography, Fall 2003Syllabus |
Contact the Course Instructor:
Instructor |
Office |
Electronic Mail |
Phone |
Office Hours |
Dr. Rob Hellström |
301, Conant Science |
(508) 531-2842 |
MWRF 10 AM-12; or by appointment |
Course Prerequisites:
GE216 Manual Cartography or GE210 Cartographic Design, or consent of the instructor. Attention to detail and persistence are valuable traits for success. You should be familiar with the Microsoft Window’s environment, including basic experience with spreadsheets such as Excel. Please contact the instructor during the first week of classes if you have questions. |
Course Structure:
Meeting |
Call # |
Day, Time |
Place |
Lecture |
11285 |
T, 3:05-4:55 PM |
#M224 Moakley Center |
Lab |
11286 |
R, 3:05-4:55 PM |
#M224 Moakley Center |
Required Textbook:
This text contains reading material and diagrams necessary to complete this course. It is available at the Bridgewater State College bookstore:
Helpful Resources:
These text resources are not required, but may be helpful:
Guides to software and hardware that you will use:
· FastCAD 32, User’s guide, Evolution Computing, Inc., 1999, 358 pp. (see Instructor) · MapViewer 5, User’s guide, Golden Software, Inc., 2002, 411 pp. (see Instructor) · Introduction to ArcView GIS, ESRI Education Services and web sites with tutorials.
Course Objectives:
Course description
You will learn the process and methods of map design, including: digitizing, creating maps with computer-aided drawing software, manipulating data with a spreadsheet, and using specialized mapping software to visualize and analyze geographically distributed data. This course provides a background for more advanced courses in cartography and geographic information systems (GIS). You will be exposed to the basic functions of ArcView GIS (v. 3.2) at the end of this course. The Blackboard ( online course system at Bridgewater State College will provide much of the material and electronic methods of communicating in this course. You will need access to a computer with and Internet connection (Internet Explorer or Netscape) and the Microsoft Office sweet (PowerPoint, Word, Excel) to effectively use the GE318 Blackboard site. You will receive instructions for accessing the GE318 Blackboard site during the first class meeting. This site will provide weekly announcements, electronic submission of homework assignments, a venue for e-mail contact with fellow students, lecture outlines and exam study materials. You may print out lecture outlines from this site prior to class meetings. The majority of projects will require use of computers provided in the classroom, the Conant Science Bldg. computer lab (#201), and open access labs around campus. Lecture format In addition to providing about 80% of the conceptual information found on exams in this course, the instructor will use the last portion (about ½ hour) of each lecture period to discuss lab assignments and provide valuable guidance for successful completion. Attendance is not mandatory, with the exception of attending the three exams. Lab format It is in your best interest to attend all lab periods, as this is your time to gain experience in computer mapping techniques, and you will have access to all the resources you need. The time during the scheduled lab period is fully devoted to your work on assignments and the instructor will be available for guidance and to answer questions concerning the class material. You are encouraged to use this time finish your projects, and you may consult with your classmates to share ideas and insight regarding the assignment. |
Your final grade is based on three (3) written examinations, one (1) group project and seven (7) Independent projects. Examinations contain multiple choice, short answer/analysis, and essay questions; information is taken from material covered in the lecture outline. No makeup exams, except under extreme circumstances; you must notify instructor prior to the exam date. · Exam I (10%): Tuesday, September 30th, 3:05-3:55 pm. · Exam II (10%): Tuesday, October 28th, 3:05-3:55 pm; material since Exam I · Final Exam (20%): Tuesday, December 16th, 2:00-4:00 pm; covers entire course · Group Project (10%): Each group of 3 or 4 members will receive a project description from the instructor and each member is required to complete a task. A designated group leader is responsible for coordinating members of the group and ensuring that the project is completed on time. All members of a particular group will receive identical grades. Each team is required to use the cartographic process (the communication model) to collect data from the real world to produce a clear, effective map. The Lab Outline provides further details. · Independent Projects (50%): You will practice basic cartographic design techniques by completing seven (7) tasks, each within a two-week period (except the first one). The Lab Outline and handouts will provide details. Grading sheets provide categories tailored to each project for performance evaluation. The instructor will return your graded projects approximately one (1) week after the assignment due date. All projects must be typed—details given in project handouts. Students are encouraged to submit projects in digital format via the “digital drop box” in Blackboard (save paper). Late projects will receive a 10% reduction automatically and a 25% reduction if handed in greater than seven days after the due date. |
You are highly encouraged to attend all class meetings as scheduled in the course Outline. Role will be called periodically, as required by the school. If you cannot attend a particular class, please contact the instructor prior to that class period, so that you can obtain necessary materials. |
· One loose-leaf, 3-ring binder (1.5 to 2.0 inch size) to organize lecture handouts and assignments · Two 3.5 inch diskettes (IBM formatted) and/or use of W-drive on Bridgewater network · You are required to use your Bridgewater Internet account to register on Blackboard, as it contains most of the course material and permits communication and file transfer for group projects. Thereafter, you may access Blackboard from any off-campus Internet browsers. |
Special needs:
Any student eligible for and needing academic adjustments or accommodations because of a disability is requested to speak with the professor within the first two weeks of scheduled classes. At any time during the semester, feel free to contact the Office of Disability Resources in the Academic Achievement Center, located in the basement of the Maxwell Library 001 (508) 531-1214. “In compliance with Bridgewater State College policy and equal access legislation, I am available to discuss appropriate accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. Requests for academic accommodations should be made during the add/drop period, unless there are unusual circumstances, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with the Disability Resources Office in the Maxwell Library for disability verification and determination of reasonable academic accommodations.” |
Geography 318: Computer Cartography, Fall 2003Lecture Outline |
Lec. |
Day |
Date |
Topic |
Supporting Materials |
1 |
R |
Sep. 4th |
Introduction + Blackboard |
Ch. 1 book & Handouts |
2 |
T |
9th |
Map Reading, Navigation and Symbolizations |
Ch. 2.1-2.6 & Handouts |
3 |
T |
16th |
Earth Coordinates, Scale and Projections |
Handouts |
4 |
T |
23rd |
Map Design, Typography, Color and Reproduction of Maps |
Chapt. 2.7, 5.1.1, 5.3, 6 & Handouts |
T |
30th |
Exam I |
Material through Sep. 23rd |
T |
Oct. 7th |
Work on Independent Project #3 |
none |
5 |
T |
14th |
Statistics, Data Classification and Interpolation |
Ch. 3, 4, 8 & Handouts |
6 |
T |
21st |
Choropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping |
Ch. 2.4, 2.5 & 6 & 7 & Handouts |
T |
28th |
Exam II |
Material since Exam I |
7 |
T |
Nov. 4th |
Cartograms and Univariate Mapping |
Ch. 11 & Handouts |
8 |
W |
12th |
Remote Sensing Images for Maps |
Handouts |
9 |
T |
18th |
Geographic Information Systems I |
Ch. 13 & Handouts + Draft of Project Report due |
10 |
T |
25th |
Geographic Information Systems II |
Handouts |
R |
27th |
No Class: Thanksgiving Recess |
Happy Thanksgiving! |
T |
Dec. 2nd |
Work on Group Projects |
Planning your presentation |
R |
4th |
Group Presentations |
Prepare 20 minute presentation |
T |
9th |
Review for Final Exam |
Questions and concerns |
R |
11th |
Reading Day (no class) |
Study for Final Exam |
T |
16th |
Final Exam (2:00 – 4:00 pm) |
Covers entire course |
Geography 318: Computer Cartography, Fall 2003Lab Outline |
Independent Projects
Project |
Date Assigned |
Project Title |
Due Date |
1 |
Sep. 9th |
Map Reading and Orienteering (1 week project) |
Sep. 16th |
2 |
16th |
Learning FastCAD |
30th |
3 |
30th |
Digitizing, Editing and Printing Maps with FastCAD |
Oct. 14th |
4 |
Oct. 14th |
Learning MapViewer |
28th |
5 |
28th |
Data, Boundaries and Graphics with MapViewer |
Nov. 12th |
6 |
Wed. Nov. 12th |
Thematic Mapping and Projections with MapViewer |
25th |
7 |
25th |
Geographic Information Systems with ArcView |
Dec. 9th |
Group Project
General Description: The primary objective of the group project is to produce a real or virtual map that serves its purpose and communicates information effectively to the intended user. Your group should follow cartographic design process, as discussed in class and schematically shown below. Each member of your group should focus on at least one portion of this process. Use your knowledge of controls on graphic design (technical limits, design objectives, and perception) to select the scale, projection, generalization, symbolization and production.