Lecture/Lab Outline
Earth Science 560-G1: Meteorology for Middle and High School Teachers, Summer 2002
"Phase Change of Water in the Atmosphere"
  • The first hour or so of each meeting period presents theoretical and conceptual material
  • The remainder of each meeting period provides time for you to complete activities as assigned in the outline below

Meeting Time

Topics and Projects


June 24th


9:00 am-12:00 noon

Introduction of course and theory behind water in the atmosphere

none (click links below for notes)

I. Hydrologic Cycle

II. Phase Change of Water

III. Clouds and Fog Formation

IV. Precipitation Formation

June 25th


9:00 am-3:00 pm

Demonstrations and completion of three projects

Project #1: Supercooled water and latent heat

Project #2: Clouds and Snow

Project #3: Detecting water in the Atmosphere: analysis and interpretation of real-time weather data from the world wide web

Special Project: Precipitation and the Raleigh Fountain

Preparing your own project

Read through packet containing projects #1 through #3 (or click on project # to the left)

Access the course web page for additional details and helpful documents.

Use the remainder of the period to begin to develop you own ideas for a project (be ready to present ideas the next day).

June 26th


9:00 am-3:00 pm

-Presentation/sharing ideas of a Earth and/or Space Science teaching module

-Critical thoughts on projects 

-Wrap-up of course

Develop/Tailor a new or existing content-rich, “hands-on” learning module.

Type up a document of how it works and prepare a 15-minute presentation