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Doing Newton One Better.

Newton's Second Law, the famous equation F = ma, describes how a force on an object gives rise to an acceleration. This physical law is the foundation of our understanding of how all (macroscopic) objects, from apples to galaxies, move under the influence of gravity.

But is Newton missing a bigger picture? Force and acceleration are local quantities that are measured separately at each point in space and time. The Second Law, in essence, dictates "which way" a body will move. What it does not dictate is "how" it will move over long time scales: over time, what overall shape will its motion take?

This global question is more challenging, and Newton himself was unable to answer it definitively (except in the simplest nontrivial case, that of only two bodies). Since Newton's time, mathematicians and physicists have developed and applied techniques of global analysis to make progress toward a complete understanding of the "N-body problem."

In recent years, techniques from the fields of Lagrangian mechanics and non-Euclidean geometry have been used to discover and prove the existence of a variety of solutions, with perhaps the most notorious being the figure-eight orbit of the 3-body problem proved by A. Chenciner and R. Montgomery in 2000.

The idea behind my research is this. Jacobi showed that the potential energy of a conservative system - which is responsible for all its motion - can be "built in" to the system as geometry instead. The bodies then move freely in this geometry along exactly the same paths they would have moved according to Newton's laws! This turns a dynamics problem into a geometry problem, and by studying the geometry we gain insight into the dynamics.