Contact between the Ordovician Blue Hills Porphyry and the Pennsylvanian Giant Conglomerate Glacial Striations atop the Pennsylvanian Giant Conglomerate Bill Kenney pondering the contact View of the Giant Conglomerate on NW cloverleaf off of I-95, Randolph, MA Photomicrograph of the Blue Hills Porphyry. Note embayed quartz phenocryst in the center of photo  


Petrology class of 2005: (left to right) Laura Kinnan, Erin Nevens, Bill Kenney, Kerri Sullivan, Amanda Craig, Russ (Duffman) McCormick, Katy Gonslaves, Dan Callahan, Crystal Cakounes, Big Mike Robbins Part of Petrology class of 2006: (left to right) Danielle White, Amy Saccoccio, Allison Krzyzewski (it was -5 degrees F)

Petrology class of 2007: (left to right) Jessica Sousa, Joanna Bertone, Brian Tulowski

Petrology class of 2008: (left to right) Troy Dickens, Amanda Abate, Meagan Dumais, Michelle Bayly, Ramona Cadrin, Jennifer Jackson, Jennifer Dibari