
My name is Caitlin Fisher-Reid, and I got my Ph.D. in 2012 at Stony Brook University's Department of Ecology and Evolution on Long Island, NY. I grew up on Long Island as well, and got my B.S. at Brandeis University in 2005.

I have always had a great love of nature, particularly northeastern North American forests and coastal salt marsh habitats. I hope this website will serve as a brief introduction to me and my work.

I started at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, MA in 2014, and I am a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. From 2012-2014, I was a visiting lecturer at the University of Richmond's Department of Biology, in Richmond, VA.

For more details about me, and my work, please use the menu links above. Thanks for visiting!

Last Updated: May 6, 2024