The Massachusetts Aggression

Reduction Center


educators & professionals

MARC Surveys for Faculty,
Parents, and Students


MARC offers Massachusetts schools student, faculty, and parent surveys on bullying and cyberbullying.  We can send you a dedicated link and then email you a spreadsheet with the survey data. There is no cost for this service.* 

These Surveys can be Requested for your school via three steps:

1.  You send an email to, stating which survey you would like to implement.

2.  We'll send you a dedicated link for your survey. 

3.  When you decide the time for the survey is sufficient, you send us an email and we will close the survey. You will have full access to the spreadsheet which will contain all your raw data. (NOTE:  You need to email us, not vice versa - sorry.)

*If you utilize a MARC survey in your school, your school and MARC co-own the data.  Data gathered in this manner would never be used in any manner other than as completely anonymous.  No data would ever be analyzed from a single school or identified as belonging to a particular school.  Data is kept strictly confidential and, if ever analyzed, would only be analyzed in an aggregate manner across multiple unidentified schools.

Preview the surveys here:

Grades 3-5 survey

Grades 6-12 survey

Faculty survey

Parents survey

All rights reserved.  Posted materials may be freely used for non-profit educational purposes.  All others please query about use. 

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Contact Us - We want to hear from you!


Phone: (508) 531-1784 (9am-4pm, during hte academic year)

Voicemail or text messages: (508) 955-0272

Other trainings & conferences in 2011-2012

February 10, 2012: 
"Empowering BYSTANDERS: From Witnesses to Allies"
with Stan Davis and Charisse Nixon.  At Bridgewater State University.

March 7, 2012: 
"Training Day for the MARC K-5 and High School Cyberskills Curriculum" at Bridgewater State University.  

Training in using the HS Curriculum in the morning & training on using the K-5 Curriculum in the afternoon.
Registrants will have the option of registering for a half-day or a full day.  Lunch will be provided.