"There I was, minding my own business in an opportune listening place in the library corridor..."
---Robin Stevens, Murder is Bad Manners

Welcome to the homepage of Dr. Laura K. Gross, professor of Computer Science and Mathematics at Bridgewater State University (BSU), part of the state-university system in Massachusetts.

This semester I am teaching Computer Science I (COMP 151) and Programming and Computer Algebra (COMP 150). Other classes I have taught at BSU include Programming for Mathematics Educators (COMP 145),Computer Science II (COMP 152), Data Structures and Algorithms (COMP 250), Analysis of Algorithms (COMP 435), Modeling and Simulation (COMP 399-002), Elementary Statistics I (MATH 110), Elements of Precalculus (MATH 140), Precalculus with Trigonometry (MATH 150), Calculus I (MATH 151), Single Variable Calculus II (MATH 162), Calculus III (MATH 251), Applied Calculus for Business (MATH 144), Differential Equations (MATH 316), Introduction to Analysis I (MATH 401), Applied Mathematics (MATH 416), Honors in Action (INTD 151), and (as an independent study) Numerical Analysis (MATH 415). In MATH 416 I taught mathematical writing in an upper-level elective. I have also taught some of these courses, as well as linear algebra, algebra with business applications, mathematics for liberal arts, and Advanced Engineering Mathematics I and II, at The University of Akron.

My scholarly interests involve writing about probabilistic modeling and simulation. I have also modeled a variety of physical systems using differential equations. In that work, I apply analytical and numerical techniques to study nonlinear dynamics, especially of reaction-diffusion equations, free-boundary-value problems, and dynamical systems. I am also interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning of computer science and mathematics. Check out my cv or a list of my publications.

Take a look at local activities in southeastern Massachusetts. Send me e-mail at laura dot gross at bridgew dot edu or profgross at gmail dot com, or call me on my voice number at work: 508 531-2391.

Thank you for visiting, and have a nice day.

profgross at gmail dot com
last updated 2/26/2025