Comp 151 Project 6

Lets Demonstrate all that you have learned


In this slightly longer project, you will get the opportunity to build a more interesting project and demonstrate all that you have learned over the course of the semester. You may choose one of two possible project

Due: Thursday May 5th at 11:59pm  Based on my in class mistake, Sunday May 8th at 5pm, but that is a hard deadline.



Because we have a very diverse group with a lot of different majors in this class, I want to offer two different (but approximately equal difficulty) projects. Choose one and have fun.

All functions except the call to main() must be in some function

  1. A proto game  Here are some images that might be useful

  2. Data Analysis of a large spreadsheet Get the spreadsheet here

Additional  requirements:

Your code must be commented

use functions. 

To help me identify your work, make the name of your project


(so mine would be JSantoreProject6)
And put the following at the beginning of the program as a comment:

Project Submission

Submit the project by putting it on github as a private project and making me a collaborator as before.