The Capstone Experience for the BSU Computer Science BS First (solo) Project

Project 1 Sprint 2

Summary: This multi part project will provide you an chance to practice your programming skills and practice with the agile software development methodology, continuous integration, automated testing and other more industry oriented practices that we don't often use in academia.

This time we will be saving our data into a database.


We will continue to use the same version control, continuous integration tools and programming language requirements that we put together for part one.

Sprint 2: Saving the University data to a database

Due: Sunday Feb 14th at 11:59pm

Due: Wednesday Feb 17th at 11:59pm (note that this is a Monday schedule for Bridgewater)

(some stuff was brought forward from last time, it is highlighted in gray)

  1. Use the same project that you used last time. I will just do a git pull on the project and get the updates.

  2. Pragmatically setup the database if the table(s) that you need are not already there.

  3. write a program which will, as before, with multiple methods/functions:

  1. Save all the data to the database!

  2. Write two automated tests

  1. Update your Continuous Integration/devOps on github to run these tests

  2. Update your for your project in the github project (you can do it with your jetbrains IDE if you like)

    1. the readme should have (if everything works this should be about a half page or less)

  1. Commit whenever you have some small additional part that works.

    1. Use good commit messages which tell everyone (especially me as your supervisor or collaborator standin) what this commit does. Be sure to push after each commit so that you lose little to nothing if your computer dies.

    2. So push early and often.

If you want to min/max, here is the grading rubric/sheet/distribution