Design and Development Project 1

Sprint 1 was here

Sprint 2 was here

unless otherwise specified, all of the work in the previous projects should still work.

Due: Monday Feb 17th   Wed Feb 19th (for real)

Sprint 3: More data

Production program:

Undergraduates: Lets add the data from stackoverflow jobs to your database. Be sure to make sure that the data from both sources will fit in the same table. (you may have to 'massage the data') On discussion with students, it is fine if you use two tables. Just be aware that sprint4 will require you to use both data sources.

Graduate Students: Grab the Ask HN: Whose hiring data from the last 13 months. At this point we should be in February so lets get Feb 2019-Feb 2020. Be sure to include the posting date in your data store.


Add  more automated tests to make sure that the new data sources are being downloaded and saved properly.

For undergrads test to make sure you are getting data from both sites and make sure that data from either site saves to the database properly. Try some bad data that is somewhat similar to the second data site, but still problematic. Make sure the save fails.

For grads, make sure that you are getting data from all 13 months. Make sure that you have a method which will take the fairly unstructured paragraphs and pull out the useful data. Write an automated test for this method.


Update your to include the new code. update the install and running instructions in the readme. Also, if needed, add a list of anything that is missing. 

Make sure that your automated tests and linters are running properly on all files including any new ones.

Make sure that any newly needed files are included in the github repo

Make sure that your git commit messages are reasonable.


I will do a git pull on your previous submission to update it with your new work.