Comp 152 Project 5:
Teams, APIs, third party libraries and a bigger project

Due: Sunday May 10th  11:59pm (Just before our final exam should have been)

Intermediate deliverable Due Date: April 28th in Teams.


This project will give you a chance to work with json, RESTful apis, windowed programs with JavaFX, and learn a bit from documentation.


You will work in groups of three (there might be one group that is odd numbered)

Possible APIs and windows (each person in the group needs to pick one - not more than one per group can do the same one) You cannot use Alert or JAvaFX Dialogs for any of this. all the data collection and display must be on javaFX stage windows that you create in code or in FXML

Your group will only be using 3-4 (depending on group size) of these 6 APIs.

  1. GDP comparison
    1. use these three api endpoints
    2. Let your user choose a year, display that year and display the country name and GDP for these three countries (US, China and India) for that year
    3. allow the user to select another year and update the data to that new year.
  2. International Phone Numbers
    1. use these two API endpoints: and to let your users look up the country codes for a country of their choice.
    2. let the user choose a country
    3. look up its phone code
    4. display the country name. country code (the two or three character ISO code) and the phone prefix
    5. allow the user to do the same again for another country
  3. Song Search
    1. use this song search API This is the documentation for the API.
      1. allow your users to select an artist
      2. retrieve the list of songs and display them in a list box.
      3. when the user selects and item in the list box, use the song Id and this similarity search to find a list of similar songs and display those songs in a second list.
  4. The github jobs API
    1. use this API - be sure to use the json version you only need to get the first page of the jobs data
    2. then let the user start the data retrieval process, when you get the data back, put it in a listview, showing job title, when the user clicks on a job in the list view, show the job details in the window including
      1. company
      2. job location
      3. apply url
      4. description
      5. one more data item for the returned data.
  5. Use this API for the cards in Blizzard's Hearthstone game
    2. first let the user choose a class using a menu or radio buttons or some chooser. Then show the cards from the API in a list. 
    3. let the user choose a card from the list and show all the information from that card in your window in a format that looks decent.
  6. A blast from the past, Chuck Norris Jokes
    1. use this API:
    2. First let your user choose a category. Pick ten of the categories here: (if you find a category that has inappropriate material - omit that one) I have only looked at about 5 of these so there is a possibility that there is something that is not appropriate - if so, omit that category.
    3. Once the user has picked a category, make another request for a random joke from that category and display it to the user.

Intermediate Deliverable:

In MS Teams, on April 28th each group needs to pass in a one page summary which includes:

Extra requirements for the project

Comment your code.
Include comments at the top of your JavaFX Application class
    your name

    Anything you didn't get done

Make your commit/pull request messages informative, as per above, I will be assigning credit for good/descriptive messages.


upload the entire project, including all of the gradle files needed to run (but not the ones highlighted in yellow) to github and make me a collaborator as the docu