Project4 :
Intro to Event Driven Programming and JavaFX

Due: Sun April 19th at 11:59pm

Summary: It is time to start working with Event Driven Programming and JavaFX.

Update April 13th: Extra credit added.


create a javaFX project which will ask the user to enter a file name, then when the user presses a button, your program must open the file, and put that files contents into a TextArea. An Example that I put together is below. You could have a different look so long as all three components are there. You may either build the UI in code or using FXML.

example window for project 4

Additional Requirements:

Extra Credit Possible:

A number of you have asked about the possibility of extra credit to offset some stumbles early in the semester or to help offset difficulty in moving to online learning with the current situation. I'm now adding two opportunities for extra credit below. If you do either or both of them, please put a file called "readme.txt in your main project folder which tells me your name and which extra credit you included

For 50 points, use exception handling (covered in the first half of the week recorded lecture for the week of April 12) When doing this, use try/catch around any of the parts of the project which could throw an exception instead of using the 'throws' statement on the method itself.

for 150 possible points add the following functuality to your window:


Submit by sharing the project with me on github as you did last time.