Comp 151 Project 7

Lets work with excel data Part 2, this time with maps.

Due:� Thursday April 18th at 11:59pm (this project will take most of you longer. Start Early!!!!)

Summary: In this project you will work with dirty data from and excel file and display it as a map.


grab the jobs by state data that we've used previously.

Lets visualize where the programming/computer science jobs are in this country. For the purposes of this project, Software Developers (all sorts) Web Developers, Computer Systems Analysts and Computer Programmers will count, but cyber security and system administrators won't count.

So find out how many computer science jobs are in each state, and then create a map visualization using plotly to display that data in an easy to absorb display.

in case your laptop crashed, here was the display code from our in class example:� Change the bits you need to according to options we discussed in class.

state_names_Pandas = pandas.Series(state_names)
change_in_income_Pandas = pandas.Series(change_in_income)

data = [dict(
title="Median Income Change in Dollars")

layout = dict(
title='Change in median income for each state',
projection=dict(type='albers usa'),
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='comp151-map.html')

Additional Requirement:

You must break your code into multiple functions, each one doing 'one thing'


Starting this project you need to submit the whole project folder. So name the project itself with your name in the project (jsantoreProject6 for me) and then you can name your python files whatever you want so long as I can tell which python file to run. Remove any old stuff that you don't want me to run.

explain in a readme.txt: