Intro to using Pycharm with unittest

It occurs to me that I didn't really introduce the full ease and power of using unittest with pycharm in class. Here is a brief tutorial.

Note: these slides were prepared using pycharm 5.x They will work with other versions but the dialogs might look slightly different.

First create a new project from the pycharm app. Choose some version of python 3.x for the interpreter. Lets make a pure python app for a simple TDD project.

new Project dialog

Now once the main window opens select the project. (it initially appears highlighted, but it really isn't - click on it)
select the project

With this selected choose the new option from the file menu. This will bring up this little extra selection dialog for you to choose the type of new file to create. Choose Python file:
new python file selected

In the new python file dialog you will want to use the menu to choose the Python unit test option.
select unit test

once you have done this you get a default unit test file. If you run the tests at this point, the default test is to assert that True equals False and so you will get a red bar failing test.

At this point create a second new python file for the code that you will be testing. Import the second file into your unittest file and write tests in your unittest file. For example below I've written one simple test in addition to editing the default test to succeed. If you now run the unittests I have one test that passes and one test that fails (so I have a red bar)
reb bar failing test

Eventually you will write code in your real code file that will make your tests pass and you will get a green bar  - the tests are passed.

passing tests

Repeat as many times as needed.