CS 460 Spring 2005

 Project 2 Measuring a box

Due: Tuesday April 19th 2005 with project report handed in during class and in class demo.


This is a modification of a lab from Rowan University. In this lab your robot will measure a cardboard box. You will use a handyboard microcontroller and a lego body to do the lab. Your robot will have to sense the box and measure how far is has travelled when it believes that it has gone beyond the end of the box.


Each group has a robot kit in the lab. Your group has its bin in the same drawer as before in the cabinet at the back of the room. In your assigned half of a drawer you will find your group's bin. The bin contains
Two cardboard boxes are also at the back of the lab for you to practice on. A new box will be used for demonstrations at the when the lab is due.

Lab Availability:

As previously mentioned, the lab is available anytime that the Moakley open access lab is open except for Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The other class finishes on Thursday April 7th so after that you may work on those evenings as well.

Your Task:

Your task is to build and program a robot that can do one or both of the following tasks. Note that the first task can give you a maximum grade of 79 (C+) if done perfectly, while the second , harder task can  get you a maximum grade of 89 (B+) if done perfectly. The third task will get your a full 100% if done perfectly. However if not done well, both projects can earn you much lower grades. It is better to get the first task working well and then start working on the second task and get it well done before starting on the third rather than just starting on the second or third task and not getting it working very well.

  1. Task 1 You must measure the side of a box and display that measurement in centimeters on the lcd panel.
  2. Task 2:  Your robot must calculate the volume of the box, having been given the depth and the height of the box by the instructor, with your robot measuring the width of the box. You must have a way of entering the depth and height information into the robot. You can assume that the depth and height that you will be given at integers, however you should make no such assumptions for the width that the robot measures. (it should be a floating point value) All measurements will be in centimeters. When your robot has traversed and measured the width of the box, it should display the volume of the box on its display.
  3. Task2: Your robot must calculate the volume of the box, having been given the height of the box by the instructor, with your robot measuring the width and depth of the box. As above, you need a way of entering the integer height of the box into the robot. Your robots measurements of the widgth and depth are to be done as floating point values though. Again measurment will be in centimeters. When your robot is done measuring , it needs to print out the volume of the box that is has calculated.


Have fun:

We will go over a few of the details of working with the handyboards in class. Have fun working on this project and I look forward to seeing what you can do with it.